- (name unknown) to Alan II
- Alan III , Duke of Brittany to Artavazd
- Artavazd to Berthold VI , Duke of the Coast Meran
- Berthold von Schwartzenburg to daughter of Abba ben Aivu
- daughter of Abu Taglib Fad'lallah to Elen
- Elen to Florent
- Florent to Godila von Rathenburg
- Godith to Herfast de Crêpon
- Heribert , Count in the Wetterau to Jimeno
- Jimeno Garcia to Malfrida
- Mallt to nimble-tomgued
- Nimlot ~ Grand Priest of Amon to Raoul of Laesoie
- Raoul Thours to Sarracina (Doña)
- Sashandukht to Thorarinn "Bullifak" Finnvidsson
- Thored of Northumbria to Wittikind of the Saxons
- Wivette of Champagneoi to ______, Joan
- ______, Joan to Adams, Thomas (Ensign)
- Adhémar, Jeanne to Arundell, Reinfred
- Arweiler, Anna to Badger, Samuel
- Badlesmere, Bartholomew to Bauer, Petrus
- Baugh, Charles to Bergeron, Simon dit D'Amboise
- Bergevin, Louis to Blakeslee, Zilpah
- Blanchard, Amant to Bonin, Zoe
- Bonneau, Basile to Bourg, Martin
- Bourg, Michel to Brindle, Stella E.
- Brion, Jacqueline to Burnett, Orvilla
- Burnett, Raymond Edward to Ceva, Leugia
- Célestin, André to Chichester, Urith
- Chickering, Mary to Colburn, William
- Colbus, Adam to Couroit, Pierre
- Courroux, Marie-Geneviève to Darrish, Elizabeth
- Dastier, Claude to de Columbers, William
- de Conteville, Emma to de Montagu, William
- de Montchensy, Joan to de Vitré, Hawise
- de Vitrie, Eleanor to Deserre, Angélique
- Deseve, Marie-Élisabeth to du Mon, Johanna
- Dubey, William to Eddy, William (The Rev.)
- Edeline, Charales to Fichett, Thomas
- Field, Anna to Fortiin, Marie
- Fortin, Barbe to Gallagher, William H.
- Gallant, Alexandre dit Cendre to Geiger, William Francis
- Geis, Maria to Gladu, Pierre
- Gladwin, Ann to Gould, Sarah
- Goulet, Catherine to Guillemot, Olivier dit LeBreton
- Guillet, Marie-Madeleine to Hardin, John
- Harding, Abijah to Herbert, William
- Herdeburgh, Eda to Holland, Thurstan
- Holloway, Elizabeth to Hyde, William
- Hymes, Ann to Jones, Norman
- Jones, Olive to Kuntz, Susan
- Kupfermüller, Johannes to Landry, Marie
- Landry, Marie to le Despenser, William Talvas
- le Eyre, Joan to LePellé, Pierre
- LePileur, Nicolas to Longtin, René
- Looÿse, Simon to Mahon, Amanda
- Maillet, Gregoire to Maurer, Anna M.
- Mautravers, Alicia to Metzenger, ______
- Metzler, Entgen to Morris, Sarah
- Morrisey, Bridget to Nouvion, Thomasse
- Nowell, Philip H. to Paré, Ursule
- Parie, Marguerite to Perrault, Marie-Josèphe
- Perrine, ______ Rau to Plante, Thomas
- Platt, Abigail to Prescott, William
- Prey, Marie to Redvers, Eva
- Reed, Abigail to Rive, Nicolas
- Rivet, Alexis to Roy, Thomas-Félicien
- Royer, Élisabeth to Savoie, Pierre
- Savoie, Pierre to Scully, William
- Seaborne, Hester to Simon, Thomas dit Thomas
- Simonds, Benjamin to Steinmetz, Valentine
- Stelly, Catherine to Terrenoire, Pierre
- Terrien, Denis to Thompson, Seth
- Thompson, Seth T. to Troxell, Christina
- Trudel, Anne to Vienneau, Thérèse
- Viette, Madeleine to Warrene, Editha
- Washburn, Benjamin to Whelpley, William
- Whipple, John to Woodbury, Lois
- Woodhead, Bridgett to Zuercher, Charles J.