- Gallant
Alexandre dit Cendre (circa 1784 - )Ange (1740 - )Basile (1763 - )Charles (1752 - )Jean-François (1742 - )Joseph (1748 - )Pierre (1754 - )Scholastique (circa 1784 - 1821)Simon (1759 - before 1798)Théotiste (circa 1779 - )
- Gallet
- Gallison
Jean (circa 1788 - )
- Gallup
- Gamache
Geneviève dite Lamarre (1636 - 1709)Nicolas (circa 1605 - circa 1635)
- Gambym
Edna N. (1862 - )
- Gamenay
- Gand
Beatrice (circa 1040 - )Emma ( - 1135)Gilbert ( - 1094)Henry Castellan (circa 1005 - )
- Gandon
- Gangloff
Andreas (1647 - 1710)Anna Eva (1680 - 1745)
- Gant
- Garant
- Garatte
- Garavelle
Joseph-Massé (circa 1616 - 1686)Marguerite (1651 - 1708)
- Gardiner
- Gardner
Abigail (1680 - 1761)Andrew (before 1674 - 1704)Andrew (Captain) (1642 - 1690)
Catherine (1826 - 1904)
Esther (1671 - )Lucy (1679 - circa 1766)Sarah (before 1671 - 1747)Thomas (1590 - 1638)Thomas (1615 - 1689)Thomas (1684 - 1757) - Gareau
Geneviève (1698 - 1775)Jean dit Saintonge (circa 1646 - 1713)Marie (1671 - )Marie-Françoise (1712 - )
- Gareman
- Garfield
Abigail (1711 - )Edward (circa 1528 - )Edward (1583 - 1672)Edward (1664 - )Jospeh (1637 - 1691)Thomas (circa 1557 - )
- Gariepy
Geneviève (1715 - 1778)Marie-Hélène (1715 - 1778)
- Garlende
Agnes ( - 1181)Anselm ( - from 1117 to 1118)
- Garnier
Charles (circa 1635 - 1717)Charles (1668 - 1734)François (1658 - )Marie-Agnés (1700 - 1765)Marie-Charlotte (1666 - 1736)
- Garrad
Margaret ( - 1626)
- Garrecht
Maria Apollonia (1787 - 1848)
- Gasse
Agnès (1739 - 1739)Ambroise (1729 - )Élisabeth (1734 - )Isabelle (1734 - )Joachim (1732 - )Joseph (1692 - )Joseph (1727 - )Louis-Joseph (1749 - 1822)Marie-Josephe (1702 - 1780)Pierre (1737 - )Reine (1740 - 1818)Rose (1743 - )Thomas (1640 - 1702)
- Gatchell
Stephen (1735 - )
- Gateau
- Gater
Judith (1588 - )Michael (1551 - )
- Gates
Amelia (circa 1823 - )Amos (circa 1680 - )Joseph (1759 - 1830)
Lydia (1789 - 1861)
Samuel Torry (1725 - 1803)Simon (1646 - 1692)Stephen (1597 - 1662) - Gatien
- Gatton
- Gaud
Jane (1575 - )
- Gaudard
- Gaudet
Abraham (circa 1679 - )Agnè (circa 1721 - )Agnès (1722 - )Amand-Gregoire (1724 - )Anne (circa 1646 - before 1678)Anne (1716 - circa 1806)Anne (1718 - )Antoine (circa 1678 - before 1740)Augustin (circa 1686 - )Bernard dit Blèche (circa 1691 - before 1747)Bernard dit Le Vieux (circa 1673 - 1751)Cécile (circa 1703 - 1788)Charles (1712 - before 1767)Charles dit Marin (1716 - 1794)Claude (circa 1677 - before 1754)Claude (1708 - 1762)Denis (circa 1625 - 1709)Denis (1685 - before 1731)François-Louis (circa 1728 - 1803)Françoise (circa 1623 - before 1700)Françoise (circa 1673 - circa 1758)Françoise (1735 - 1815)Germain (circa 1680 - )Guillaume (1683 - after 1735)Isabelle (1720 - )Jean (1575 - before 1678)Jean (circa 1653 - 1694)Jean (circa 1675 - before 1707)Jean (1690 - )Jean (1690 - 1757)Jean (circa 1722 - )Jean (circa 1730 - 1822)Jeanne (circa 1684 - before 1732)Jeanne (circa 1698 - )Jeanne (circa 1714 - after 1762)Jeanne (circa 1726 - before 1754)Joseph (1723 - )Joseph (circa 1743 - 1790)Joseph dit Chaculot (circa 1740 - after 1812)Madeleine (circa 1682 - 1757)Madeleine (circa 1712 - 1757)Marguerite (circa 1688 - 1739)Marguerite (circa 1722 - )Marguerite (1722 - )Marguerite-Marie (circa 1709 - 1781)Marie (1633 - 1710)Marie (circa 1657 - )Marie (1681 - before 1729)Marie (circa 1682 - )Marie (circa 1694 - )Marie (circa 1703 - before 1763)Marie (circa 1713 - 1752)Marie (1720 - )Marie (1764 - circa 1856)Marie-Anne (circa 1736 - after 1770)Marie-Josèphe (1708 - before 1752)Michel (circa 1726 - 1789)Nannette (circa 1736 - after 1770)Paul (1733 - 1779)Pierre (circa 1675 - 1707/8)Pierre (circa 1695 - before 1767)Pierre (1719 - 1781)Pierre dit l'ainé (circa 1652 - )Pierre dit Pierrotte (1723 - 1813)Pierre dit Will Denis (circa 1676 - )Pierre le jeune (circa 1703 - before 1740)Rosalie (1742 - )
- Gaudin
Madeleine (1691 - )Marie-Charlotte (1713 - 1765)Marie-Yvette dit Bellefontaine (circa 1709 - 1795)Marie dite Châtillon (circa 1684 - after 1734)Pierre-Joseph (after 1699 - before 1745)
- Gaudry
Marie-Anne (1712 - 1765)Marie-Charlotte-Christine (1660 - )Marie-Françoise (1662 - from 1710 to 1714)Marie-Françoise (1662 - )
- Gaughan
A. Mary (circa 1870 - )B. William (1875 - )Bryan (circa 1815 - )Catherine (circa 1874 - )Ellen (circa 1879 - )James (1882 - )John Andrew (1884 - 1920)
John Robert (1919 - 1976)
Mary (circa 1851 - )Michael (1872 - )Patrick (circa 1876 - )Thomas (1842 - 1910)Thomas Jr. (1880 - ) - Gaulet
- Gaulin
Marguerite (1627 - 1703)
- Gaumont
Marie-Anne (1719 - )
- Gautheir
- Gauthier
Denise (circa 1622 - )Joseph ( - before 1781)Louis dit Landreville (1676 - 1756)Marie (1671 - )Marie (1686 - )Marie-Catherine (1673 - 1756)Marie-Jeanne (1680 - )Marie-Josèphe (1755 - 1793)Martine (circa 1619 - before 1678)
- Gautier
Denise (1679 - )
- Gautrot
Anne (circa 1689 - 1734)Catherine-Josèphe (1709 - 1747)Charles (circa 1661 - circa 1724)Charles (circa 1700 - 1763)Claude (circa 1659 - 1733)François (1613 - )François (circa 1657 - before 1683)François (circa 1678 - 1759)Françoise (circa 1691 - )Germain (1668 - before 1679)Honoré (circa 1716 - circa 1784)Isabelle (1694 - )Jean (1648 - )Jean (circa 1698 - 1747)Jeanne (circa 1665 - 1749)Jeanne (circa 1687 - )Joseph (1708 - )Madeleine (1699 - 1752)Marguerite (circa 1654 - 1727)Marguerite (circa 1693 - before 1767)Marguerite (circa 1705 - 1773)Marie (circa 1685 - )Marie-Françoise (circa 1645 - 1732)Marie-Josèphe (circa 1702 - circa 1750)Marie-Josèphe (1719 - 1748)Pierre (circa 1709 - 1769)Renée-Jeanne (circa 1652 - 1737)Rose (circa 1747 - after 1799)
- Gauvin
Amable (1755 - )Andre (circa 1768 - 1841)Charles (1751 - 1814)Charles (1785 - 1828)Charles-François (1723 - 1791)Claire (circa 1802 - 1877)Claire (circa 1802 - 1877)Étienne (1676 - )Germain-Chrysostóme (1757 - )infant (1766 - 1766)Jacques (1690 - )Jacques-Roch (1721 - 1765)Jean (circa 1643 - 1706)Jean (1680 - )Jean-Baptiste-Louis (1687 - )Jean-François (1673 - )Jean-Marie (1761 - )Jean-Nichola (1669 - before 1681)Joseph (1716 - )Joseph (1796 - )Joseph-Marie (1763 - )Louis (circa 1725 - 1792)Marie-Angèlique (1770 - 1807)Marie-Anne (1671 - )Marie-Anne (circa 1728 - )Marie-Geneviève (circa 1731 - 1791)Marie-Joseph (1759 - )Marie-Judith (1752 - )Marie-Madeleine (1681 - )Marie-Mélaine (1794 - 1820)Marie-Rose (circa 1798 - )Pélagie (1789 - 1869)Pierre (1684 - 1756)Pierre (1806 - 1807)Pierre-Jacques (circa 1719 - )Pierre-Joseph (1694 - )Reine (1781 - 1825)Romaine (1844 - 1909)Rosalie (circa 1713 - 1714)Rose (1779 - young)Rose (circa 1798 - )Scholastique (1791 - 1876)Suzanne (1825 - 1892)
- Gaveg
Polly (1780 - circa 1849)
- Gawkroge Platts
- Gawkroger
Grace (1566 - )
- Gay
Jeanne (circa 1579 - )Joanna (1644/45 - 1708)John (circa 1613 - 1688/89)Judith (1649 - 1718)
- Gaylord
Ruth (1713 - after 1739)
- Gaynesford
John ( - 1540)
- Gayon
- Gazaille
François (circa 1680 - )Marie-Marguerite (circa 1712 - 1760)
- Gärtner
Barbara (1803 - )Johann (1707 - 1762)Johann (1735 - 1812)Johann Nikola (1771 - )Joseph (1801 - )Katharina (1808 - )Margarethe (1804 - )Maria (1797 - )Matthias (1746 - 1808)Matthias (1796 - )Nicolaus (1806 - )
- Gedney
- Geertje
Jannetje (1590 - )
- Geffroy
Jacqueline-Marie (1564 - 1649)
- Gehl
- Geiger
Anna Isabelle (1878 - 1947)
Benjamin (1748 - 1777)Benjamin (1806 - )Benjamin D. (1836 - 1912)
Catharine (circa 1840 - )Catherine (1772 - )Catherine (1817 - )Charles (1749 - 1828)Charles Edward (1889 - 1951)Charlie (1889 - 1951)Clara (1871 - circa 1950)Estella (1886 - )Fanny (circa 1846 - )George Jacob (1779 - 1851)Harriet (circa 1846 - )Henry (circa 1854 - )Henry O. (1808 - 1889)
James Emmanual (1875 - 1966)Johann Benjamin (1777 - 1867)Johann Carl (1772 - )Johann Heinrich (1744 - )Johann Valentine (circa 1661 - 1685)Johannis (1798 - 1860)John (circa 1844 - )John Thomas (1880 - 1958)Johnann Valentine (1769 - 1793)Jonas Benjamin (1815 - 1895)
Joseph (1815 - 1895)Lucinda (circa 1834 - )Mary Cathrine (1811 - )Mary Elizabeth (1873 - 1959)
Sarah (1820 - )Sarah (circa 1839 - )Solomon (1818 - )Valentine (1685 - 1762)William F. (1883 - 1903)
William Francis (1848 - 1926)