- Thompson (cont.)
Seth T. (1819 - 1898)
- Thornden
- Thornton
James (1648 - 1722)Jane (1687 - 1737)
- Thorpe
Elizabeth ( - 1719)
- Thouars
Alex (1201 - 1221)
- Thouin
- Thouzeron
Estiennette (1596 - 1632)
- Thouzeronm
Pasquet (1576 - )
- Thrall
Marcella (1805 - 1852)Marilla (1805 - 1852)
- Throckmorton
Elizabeth (1523 - )John ( - 1445)Robert (circa 1450 - 1518)Thomas ( - 1472)Thomas (Sir) ( - 1552)
- Throwbridge
- Thuot
- Thurston
- Thurstune
John (1610/11 - 1685)Mary (1702 - 1754)Thomas (circa 1580 - )Thomas (1632 - 1704)Thomas (Captain) (1658/59 - 1704)
- Tibbetts
Abigail (1742 - 1788)Andrew (1742 - )Benjamin (1748 - )John (1745 - )Judith (1731 or 1732 - )Mary (1723 - )Samuel (1721 - 1722)Samuel (1724/25 - )Samuel B. (1693 - after 1761)Sarah (1727 - before 1778)Thomas (Captain) (1657 - 1748)
- Tibou
Élisabeth (circa 1597 - )
- Tidd
John ( - 1703)John (circa 1618 - 1656)Rebecca (circa 1665 - 1750)
- Tietsoort
Abraham (1670 - 1740)Abraham Willemszen (1622 - 1650)Aeche Willemse (1674 - 1741)Anthony (1675 - )Ariaantje (1685 - before 1712)Elisabeth (circa 1675 - after 1717)Geertruy (circa 1686 - before 1716)Hannah (1704 - )Helena (1695 - 1730)Isaac (circa 1690 - 1757)Jacob (circa 1687 - 1754)Lysbet (circa 1675 - after 1717)Marytje (1699 - 1743)Nelltjen (1706 - )Rebecca (circa 1680 - circa 1724)Stephanus (circa 1677 - 1751)Willem Abraham (1648 - 1722)William (1600 - )
- Tilden
- Tillson
Henry E. (1867 - 1953)
- Tilson
Mary ( - 1714)
- Tingrie
- Tinkham
- Tiptoft
- Tisdale
John ( - 1675)Mary (circa 1667 - )
- Tissot
François (1701 - )
- Titsoort
- Titus
John (1627 - 1689)John (1650 - 1697)Lydia (1674 - 1709)Robert (1600 - 1678)Silas (circa 1550 - )Silas (from 1570 to 1580 - 1637)
- Tobin
Catherine C. (circa 1883 - )
- Toby
Ann (1781 - 1870)
- Todd
- Toeni
Alice (circa 1283 - circa 1324)Margaret (circa 1118 - 1185)Ralph (circa 1088 - )Ralph III (1030 - 1101)Ralph VII (1255 - before 1295)
- Tolderbury
Elizabeth (circa 1584 - )John (The Rev.) ( - 1567)Walter (Dr.) (circa 1559 - )
- Tolles
Samuel (1698 - 1756)
- Tompkins
Abigail (1801 - 1859)
Abraham (after 1741 - )Absalom (after 1741 - )Catherine (1791 - 1850)Deborah (1794 - 1843)Delilah (1807 - 1846)Elilza (1809 - 1886)Elizabeth (after 1742 - )Elizabeth (1809 - 1886)Esther (1799 - 1843)Gilbert (1770 - 1834)Hannah (circa 1720 - 1785)Isaac (circa 1727 - circa 1790)Jane (1766 - 1827)John (1642 - 1708)John (1684 - 1773)John (1739 - 1825)
John (circa 1763 - circa 1846)Lydia Ann (1794 - 1849)Mary (1772 - 1852)Mary (after 1773 - )Mary (1799 - )Mary (1807 - 1846)Mercy (circa 1749 - )Moses (1741 - 1799)Moses (1785 - 1857)Nathaniel (1742 - 1822)Phebe (1803 - 1894)Ruth (1640 - )Ruth (circa 1731 - circa 1828)Samuel (1776 - 1857)Sarah (1783 - 1863)Sarah (1788 - 1840)Stephen (circa 1726 - )Thomas (1768 - 1842)William (1765 - 1843)
William (1792 - ) - Tondreau
François (1703 - 1770)Geneviève (circa 1704 - 1780)Jean-Baptiste (1706 - 1788)Joseph (1697 - )Marie-Anne (1691 - 1736)Pierre (1651 - )
- Toner
James F. (1851 - 1921)
- Toni
Robert ( - 1088)
- Topley
Margaret (1577 - )
- Torres
- Torta
- Tosh
Mary (circa 1700 - circa 1745)
- Tosny
- Totnais
Aenor (circa 1084 - 1153)
- Tougas
Charles (1706 - 1743)Guillaume (1674 - )
- Touhil
Garret (1777 - )Mary (circa 1797 - 1868)
- Toulouse
Jean-Baptiste (circa 1664 - 1737)Jean-Baptiste (1704 - 1761)Louis-Raymond (1713 - 1799)
- Toupin
Élisabeth-Ursule (1672 - )
- Tourault
- Tourerouche
- Tournois
- Tower
- Town
John (Deacon) (1658 - 1740)Lucy (1744 - 1824)Samuel (1695 - 1760)
- Towne
Jacob (Ensign) (1632 - 1704)William (1598/99 - circa 1673)
- Townsend
- Tozier
Martha (1659 - 1758)Richard (1631 - 1675)
- Tracy
Ann (circa 1856 - )Catherine (circa 1859 - )Francis (circa 1831 - )George (circa 1855 - )Hugh (circa 1828 - 1877)Hugh (circa 1830 - )John (circa 1838 - )Maggie (circa 1854 - 1894)Margaret (circa 1854 - 1894)Michael (circa 1828 - )Minnie May (1867 - )Patrick (circa 1834 - )
- Trafford
- Trahan
_____ (circa 1630 - )______ (circa 1673 - after 1677)Alexandre-Joseph (circa 1670 - 1751)Anne (circa 1629 - after 1698)Anne (circa 1699 - circa 1755)Claire (circa 1709 - 1768)Guillaume (1611 - 1682)Guillaume (circa 1667 - 1755)Jean-Baptiste (circa 1705 - 1758)Jean-Charles (circa 1688 - before 1729)Jeanne (circa 1629 - after 1698)Madeleine (circa 1678 - 1742)Magdelaine (1704 - 1766)Marie (circa 1672 - after 1752)Marie-Jeanne (circa 1674 - )Marie-Monique (circa 1736 - 1758)Marie-Thérèse (circa 1736 - )Nicholas (circa 1580 - )
- Trask
- Travers
Joseph ( - 1775)Sarah (1728 - )
- Travis
Agnes S. (1830 - 1881)
Albert (1854 - )Andrea Grace (1929 - 1987)Andrew 1842 (1842 - )Andrew Alphonse (1891 - 1955)Anne Theresa (1896 - 1982)Betsy Ann (1810 - after 1875)Catharine (1808 - after 1875)Catherine E. (1841 - 1847)
Daniel (1734 - )Elias Whitney (1814 - 1878)Elizabeth (1667 - )Elizabeth (1747 - )Elizabeth (1858 - )Elizabeth D. (1836 - )Eugene W. (circa 1868 - )George Joseph (1895 - 1958)George William (1850 - 1917)Gilbert (1768 - 1848)Gilbert Townsend (1825 - )Henry ( - before 1659)Herman Leroy (1820 - 1820)Isaac (1827 - 1864)James (1671 - circa 1716)James (1703 - between 1753 and 1754)James (1731/32 - 1779)James (1758 - 1822)Jesse Francis (1767 - 1850)John (1710 - 1789)John (1774 - 1832)John (1845 - 1933)Joseph (1700 - )Joseph (1801 - 1864)
Keziah E. (1847 - circa 1920)Lela May (circa 1878 - )Mary (1705/6 - )Mary M. (1862 - 1947)Mary O. (circa 1911 - )Mercy (1705/6 - )Mercy (1725 - )Mercy (1729 - before 1754)Minnie (circa 1874 - )Pamelia (1798 - )Phebe Ann (1766 - )Phebe Ann (1839 - 1842)
Robert (circa 1931 - )Sophia (1850 - )Susannah (1759 - )Susannah (1804 - after 1874)Thankful (1737 - )Thomas (circa 1932 - )Thomas Charles (1898 - 1946)Walter H. (1890 - )William (1821 - 1864) - Treadway
Deborah (1657 - 1714)Elizabeth (1646 - )Lydia (circa 1649 - 1743)Nathaniel (circa 1614 - 1689)
- Trefathen
Mehitabel (1819 - 1892)
- Tregoz
John ( - 1300)Le Sire (circa 1074 - )Lucy ( - 1294)Robert ( - 1265)Robert ( - between 1213 and 1217)Sybil (1271 - 1334)
- Tremblay
Augustin (1704 - )Étienne (1690 - )François-Xavier (1702 - )Geneviève (1690 - )Geneviève (1693 - )Jean (1701 - )Joseph (1706 - )Louis (1695 - )Marie (1697 - )Marie-Angélique (1708 - )Marie-Anne (1710 - )Marie-Josephté (1711 - 1752)Marie-Madelein (1658 - )Marie-Madeliene (1688 - )Michel (1711 - )Nicholas (1699 - )Pierre (1626 - from 1687 to 1689)Pierre (1660 - )Pierre (1684 - )Rosalie (1687 - 1711)
- Trembley
- Trent
Rose K. (1801 - 1888)
- Trevel
Anton ( - 1736)
- Trevelyan
Andrew (circa 1240 - )Baldwin (circa 1333 - )Henry (circa 1364 - )Nicholas (circa 1209 - after 1275)Nicholas (circa 1271 - )Thomas (circa 1302 - 1369)Thomas (circa 1394 - )
- Triel
- Trignall
Agnes (1535 - )
- Tripp
- Trivilian
John (circa 1425 - 1517)John (circa 1479 - 1558)John (1500 - 1558)John (circa 1530 - 1577)John (1556 - 1623)John (Sir) (circa 1451 - 1522)Susanna (1592 - )
- Troisville
Guillaume (1626 - )Guillaume (1630 - 1655)Paul Dreistadt (1664 - 1719)
- Troiville
Anton (1649 - 1711)
- Trott
Hester (1609 - 1681)
- Trottier
Louis (1701 - )Marie-Geneviève (1720 - 1800)René-Bernard (1731 - )
- Trouillet
Louis (circa 1673 - )
- Trowbridge
Hannah (1672 - 1728)James (Deacon) (1636 - 1717)John (1570 - )Thomas (1598 - )
- Troxell
Catherine (before 1804 - )