- Those cannonised by the Church
- (no surname)
- Adelaide of Lombardy (Saint) (932 - 999)Arnulf (Saint) , Bishop of Metz (circa 582 - 641)Ælfgifu (Saint) ( - 944)Begga of Landen (Saint) (circa 613 - circa 689)Clodulf (Saint) ~ Bishop of Metz (596 - 690)
Clothilda (Saint) (circa 480 - 544)
Elizabeth of Hungary (Saint) (1207 - 1231)Ferdinand III the Saint , King of Castile (1201 - 1253)Gondoule (Saint) , Bishop of Tongres (524 - 607)Hmayeak Mamikonian (Saint) (410 - 481)Irene of Hungary (Saint) (1088 - 1134)
Itta (Saint) ( - 652)Ladislas I (Saint) , King of Hungary (circa 1040 - 1095)Louis IX (Saint) , King of France (1215 - 1270)
Ludmilla (Saint) ( - 921)
Margaret (Saint) of Scotland (1045 - 1093)
Mechtilde von Ringelheim (Saint) (between 890 and 900 - 968)Meleri verch Brychan (Saint) (circa 430 - )Olaf Haraldsson (Saint) , King of Norway (circa 995 - 1030)Olga (Saint) , Princess of Izborsk ( - 969)Siegbert III (Saint) ~ King of Austrasia (between 630 and 631 - 656)Sigrade de Verdun (Saint) (circa 605 - 678)Vladimir I the Great (Saint) ~ Grand Prince of Kiev, and Duke of Novgorod (circa 955 - 1015)