- Those who took up the cross in one or more of the Crusades
- (no surname)
Andrew II , King of Hungary (circa 1177 - 1235)
Archambaud VII the Strong , Sire de Bourbon (between 1110 and 1115 - 1171)Baldwin II King of Jerusalem (circa 1058 - 1131)Berthold VI , Duke of the Coast Meran (circa 1152 - 1204)Bohémond I , Prince of Antoch (1052 - 1111)Dietich VI ~ Count of Holland ( - 1157)Eudes I Borel ~ Duc de Bourgogne (circa 1060 - 1103)Eustace III ~ Comte de Boulogne et Lens (circa 1020 - after 1125)Florenz III ~ Count of Holland and West Sealand; Earl of Ros (circa 1138 - 1190)Florenz IV , Count of Holland (1210 - 1234)Frederick I Barbarossa , Holy Roman Emperor (1122 - 1190)
Fulk V le Jeune ~ King of Jerusalem, Count of Anjou (1092 - 1143)Geoffrey V Plantagenet Count of Anjou (1113 - 1151)
Gui II de Ponthieu , Count of Ponthieu ( - 1147)Guy I ~ Comte de Ponthieu et Montreuil ( - 1101)Henry I de Châtillon ~ Seigneur de Chaâillon-sur-Marne et Montjoy (circa 1063 - after 1135)Henry I the Courageous , Duke of Brabant (1165 - 1235)
Henry II , Count of Luxemburg (1190 - 1239)Hugh Magnus de Crépi ~ Duke of France and Burgundy (1057 - 1102)Ida ~ Countess of Cham ( - 1101)Jean I , Count of Ponthieu and Montreuil (circa 1140 - 1191)Louis VI the Fat King of France (in the Fall of 1081 - 1137)
Milon I the Grand , Seigneur de Montlhery, Bray, Chevreuse, and la Ferte (circa 1035 - 1118)Otto von Wittlesbach V ~ Duke of Bavaria (circa 1117 - 1183)
Peter of France , Prince of France (circa 1126 - 1183)Philip II Augustus , King of France (1165 - 1223)
Raoul I de Coucy ~ Sire de Coucy et Marle (circa 1135 - 1191)Raymond I ~ Viscount of Turenne (circa 1080 - circa 1137)Renaud de Châtillon , Prince of Antioch ( - 1187)Renaud I , Count of Bar-le-Duc and Mousson (circa 1060 - 1150)Renaud II ~ Comte de Claremont ( - 1162)Robert I le Grand , Count of Dreux, Perche and Braine (circa 1123 - 1188)
Robert II , Count of Dreux and Braine (1154 - 1218)Stephen III ~ Comte de Blois (1046 - 1102)Theobald I ~ Comte de Briey, Bar-le-Duc, et Luxemburg (circa 1160 - 1214)Theobald IV the Great , King of Navarre (1201 - 1253)Thomas de Coucy , Sire de Coucy (circa 1073 - 1130)Welf I , Duke of Bavaria (1037 - 1101)
William I , Count of Holland and East Friesland (circa 1174 - 1222)William III Talvas , Count of Ponthieu and Montreuil (1179 - 1221)William IV , Count of Auxerre, Mâcon, and Vienne (between 1090 and 1095 - 1155)William IV of Toulouse ~ Comte de Toulouse (circa 1040 - 1094)William V , Seigneur de Montpellier (between 1065 and 1069 - circa 1122)