- le Eyre
- le Fleming
Michael ( - 1186)Michael (Sir) (1197 - )William of Aldingham (1150 - 1203)
- Le Houx
- Le Juge
Élisabeth (circa 1689 - 1759)
- Le Laboureur
Anne (circa 1630 - )
- Le Mercier
Marie (circa 1593 - )
- Le Moyne
Marie-Anne (1681 - 1747)
- Le Normand
Gervais ( - from 1650 to 1656)Jean (1661 - 1691)Jean-Baptiste (1687 - 1720)Jean dit Le Jeune (circa 1636 - 1706)Marie-Anne (1711 - 1751)
- Le Poivre
Pierre (1606 - 1666)
- Le Poupet de Saint-Aubin de La Boularderie
Louis-Simon (circa 1674 - 1738)
- Le Prieur
- Le Prince
Jacques (1646 - circa 1692)Marguerite (circa 1681 - after 1734)Nicolas (circa 1625 - circa 1700)
- le Scrope
Geoffrey ( - 1340)Henry of Masham (1312 - 1391)Jane ( - 1386)
- le Soor
- le Strange
Eleanor ( - 1396)Guy (1048 - 1105)John ( - 1275)John ( - before 1265)John (1282 - 1311)John (circa 1305 - 1349)John of Knockin (circa 1260 - 1309)Roger (1301 - 1349)Roger of Knockin, Salop ( - 1382)
- le Vavasour
Maude (1176 - )Robert ( - 1234)William ( - 1191)
- le Waleys
- Lea
- Learned
Elizabeth (1696 - 1738)Isaac (1623/24 - 1657)Isaac (1655 - 1737)William (1590 - 1645/46)
- Leaver
- LeBau
Jacques (1700 - )Jean dit Lalouette (circa 1640 - )René dit Lalouette (1673 - 1726)
- Lebeau
Louis (1716 - 1760)Magdeleine (1681 - 1724)Marie-Louise (1702 - )Mathurin (1684 - 1757)
- LeBlanc
Agnès (1712 - after 1749)André (1659 - 1743)Anne (circa 1681 - circa 1770)Anne (circa 1692 - )Anne (circa 1700 - circa 1747)Anne (circa 1700 - 1792)Anne (circa 1703 - circa 1755)Anne (1710 - 1733)Anne (1724 - before 1794)Bonaventure (circa 1727 - before 1811)Bonaventure (1738 - 1826)Catherine (circa 1683 - before 1740)Charles (circa 1684 - 1737)Charles (1707 - circa 1764)Charles (1718 - 1772)Claire (1710 - )Claire (1724 - )Claude (1691 - before 1763)Claude-André (1696 - 1765)Désiré (circa 1717 - circa 1777)Élisabeth (circa 1703 - )Étienne (circa 1688 - )François (circa 1680 - )François (circa 1698 - )Françoise (circa 1653 - before 1686)Jacques (1651 - )Jacques (circa 1678 - 1755)Jacques (circa 1694 - 1743)Jacques (1703 - circa 1756)Jean (circa 1674 - 1747)Jean (circa 1684 - before 1754)Jean-Baptiste (circa 1697 - 1718)Jean-Baptiste (1723 - 1771)Jean-Jacques (1703 - circa 1756)Jean dit Sapins (circa 1691 - 1747)Joseph (circa 1688 - )Joseph-André (1704 - after 1763)Joseph-André (1722 - 1818)Joseph dit Cajétan (circa 1698 - 1775)Judith (circa 1722 - 1756)Madeleine (circa 1686 - )Madeleine (1719 - before 1767)Magdeleine (1712 - after 1777)Marguerite (circa 1676 - after 1740)Marguerite (circa 1756 - 1829)Marguerite-Charlotte (circa 1716 - )Marie (1678 - before 1750)Marie (1706 - 1781)Marie (circa 1707 - after 1751)Marie (1710 - before 1759)Marie-Blanche (circa 1687 - after 1755)Marie-Blanche (1722 - 1785)Marie-Élizabeth (1658 - )Marie-Josèphe (circa 1687 - 1758)Marie-Josèphe (circa 1705 - after 1763)Marie-Josèphe (circa 1719 - )Marie-Marguerite ( - 1725)Olivier (circa 1747 - circa 1808)Pierre (1664 - 1717)Pierre (circa 1684 - between 1746 and 1748)Pierre (1689 - after 1756)Pierre dit Jassemin (circa 1684 - )René (circa 1657 - 1734)René (circa 1682 - after 1758)Scholastique-Colette (circa 1775 - )Simon (1741 - 1780)Victor (circa 1716 - before 1751)
- LeBlond
Étiennette (circa 1531 - before 1557)
- Lebret
Jacques (1681 - )Michel (1703 - 1774)
- LeBreton
François (1704 - 1799)Marie-Josèphe (circa 1735 - )
- Lechmore
Frances (circa 1588 - )
- Lechombe
Miotte (1600 - 1648)
- Leclerc, LeClerc
Alphonse (circa 1867 - )Denise (circa 1654 - )Guillaume (1645 - )Marie (1539 - 1572)Marie-Catherine (1689 - )Marie-Madeleine (1678 - 1708)
- Lecompte-Lavimaudière
Madeleine (1737 - )
- Lecompte
Marie-Françoise (1682 - 1753)
- LeCoq
Jeanne (circa 1639 - 1707)
- Lecours
Marie-Anne (1710 - )Marie-Louise (1708 - 1783)Nicolas (1671 - 1749)
- Lecuyer
Marie-Marguerite (1761 - 1837)
- Lederc
- Ledet
Anne (1631 - )Nicolas (circa 1605 - )
- Ledoux
- Leduc, LeDuc
Georgette (1614 - 1659)
- Lee
Ellnora (1895 - 1980)Hannah (1791 - )Jane (1640 - 1722)Robert (1500 - 1548)Ruth (1602 - )Thomas (1613 - 1645)Thomas Sir (1460 - 1526)
- Leeds
Frederick (1807 - )Samuel ( - 1851)
- Leeman
- Lefebvre-Anger
- Lefebvre, LeFebvre
Antonie (1765 - 1846)François (1679 - 1727)Jacques-Louis (1607 - 1669)Joseph (1739 - 1810)Marguerite (1712 - 1775)Marie-Louise (1718 - 1785)Marie-Renée (1623 - 1672)Pierre (circa 1648 - 1694)Pierre (circa 1660 - )Pierre (1686 - 1756)Pierre (1691 - 1749)
- Leffingwell
Rachel (1648 - )
- Lefort
"Josette (1740 - 1778)Françoise-Thérèse (1713 - )Gaspard (1726 - )Isabelle (1750 - )Jean-Baptiste (1708 - )Jean-Baptiste dit LaForest (1675 - )Julie (1722 - )Louise (1720 - 1799)Louise-Madeleine (1717 - )Marguerite (1715 - )Marie-Amable (1747 - )Marie-Anne (1726 - )Marie-Élisabeth (1749 - )Marie-Josèphe (1740 - 1778)Marie-Véronique (1752 - )Pierre (1711 - )
- LeFranc
Geneviève (circa 1613 - )
- Lefrançois, LeFrançois
Marguerite (1705 - )
- Lefroy
- Legault
Henriette (1831 - 1916)Joseph (1810 - )
- LeGendre
Jeanne (circa 1599 - )
- Leger
- Legg
Jennie Deborah (circa 1820 - )
- Legouffe
- Legrain
Adrien-Charles (circa 1688 - 1758)Charles (1727 - 1804)Marie (1718 - 1742)
- Legrand
Jeanne (1595 - before 1638)Noël ( - from 1623 to 1627)
- Lehoux
Françoise (1626 - 1685)Jacques (1580 - 1680)Madeleine (1620 - )
- Leigh
Bartholomew (circa 1156 - circa 1217)Hugh (circa 1126 - )Nichole (circa 1185 - )
- Leinenweber
Joes Christian ( - 1748)Magdalena (1721 - 1783)
- Leistenschneider
Anna Maria (1765 - 1851)Johanna (1768 - 1807)Johannes (1771 - )Johannes Peter (1728 - 1772)
- LeJeune, Lejeune
Anne dit Briard (1687 - circa 1780)Catherine (1636 - 1672)Edmée (1622 - )Jean-Pierre dit Briard (circa 1625 - circa 1661)Martin dit Briard (circa 1661 - after 1729)Pierre Dit Briard (circa 1656 - after 1708)Theodore (circa 1700 - circa 1752)
- Leland
Abigail (1683 - 1761)Hopestill (Deacon) (1655 - 1729)Marcy ( - between 1710 and 1716)Mary ( - between 1710 and 1716)
- LeLange
Frans (1681 - 1755)Rachel (1708 - 1756)
- Lelong
Marie (1648 - 1687)
- Lemaire
Louis (circa 1691 - 1760)Marie-Anne (1718 - 1776)Marie-Charlotte (circa 1687 - 1754)
- LeMaistre
- Lemaître
Geneviève (1681 - 1708)
- Lemay, LeMay
Antoinette (1680 - )Charles (1669 - )Marie-Madeleine (circa 1663 - )Michel (1660 - 1712)Simon (circa 1695 - )
- LeMeilleur
Marie (1596 - 1682)
- Lemelin
Geneviève (1694 - 1778)Jean-François (circa 1631 - 1717)Louis (1664 - )
- LeMercier
Jean (1596 - 1666)
- Lemieux
Delia (1868 - 1953)Gabriel (1663 - 1739)Marie-Françoise (1755 - 1823)Marie-Jeanne (1696 - )Marie-Marguerite (1743 - 1824)Marie Sophie M. (1868 - 1953)
- Lemire
Joseph (1662 - 1703)Marie-Louise-Marguerite (1697 - )
- Lemoine
Anne (1638 - 1725)François (1747 - 1822)Nöel-Joseph (1700 - 1761)
- Lenfan
- Lenier
Josèphe (1774 - 1845)
- Lenoir
Antoine (1708 - 1774)Marie-Élisabeth (1747 - 1815)
- Leonard
Abigail (1680 - 1760)Isaac (circa 1650 - )Jacob (circa 1647 - 1716)Jacob (1702 - 1718)Joel (circa 1800 - )John (circa 1645 - 1699)Joseph (1670 - 1749)Martha (1649 - )Mary (after 1650 - )Samuel (circa 1643 - )Sarah (1699 - 1776)Solomon (circa 1610 - 1686)Solomon (after 1650 - )
Solomon (Captain) (1693 - 1761)
Susanna (1683 - 1764) - Lepage, LePage
Joseph (1677 - 1739)
- Lepage,
Adélaïde (circa 1827 - 1900)
- LePellé
Alexis dit Desmarais (1684 - )Antoine dit Desmarais (circa 1670 - )Catherine (1682 - )Françoise (1667 - )Jean-François (circa 1675 - )Jean dit Desmarais (1636 - 1708)Marie-Renée (circa 1678 - )Pierre (circa 1672 - )