- LePileur
- Lepine
- Leprince
Nicolas (circa 1625 - circa 1700)
- Lereau
- Lerige
Marie-Catherine (1737 - 1807)
- Lerouge
Marguerite (1665 - )
- Leroux
Jean-Marie dit Cardina (1731 - 1802)Marie (circa 1591 - )Marie-Josèphe Leroux dite Cardinal (1761 - 1798)
- LeRoy
Anne-Thérèse (1696/97 - )Augustin dit Audy (1671 - )Charlotte-Gertrude dite Audy (1678 - )François (Captain) dit Audy (circa 1683 - )Jean-Charles (1711 - )Jean dit le Audy (1670 - )Jeanne-Élisabeth dite Audy (1679 - )Léonard-Rémi dit Audy (1674 - 1750)Marie-Ann dite Audy (1673 - after 1718)Marie-Thérèse (1704 - )Marie dite Audy (1681 - )Oliver dit Audy (1669 - )Pierre (1706 - )Pierre dit Audy (1676 - )Richard (1614 - 1667)Sarah dite Audy (circa 1685 - )Siméon dit Audy (1637 - 1713)Thérèse-Élisabeth (1693 - )
- LeRue, Lerue
Marie-Jeanne (circa 1667 - 1732)
- Lesage
Geneviève (1747 - 1830)Pierre (1713 - )
- Lescabiet
- Leschwein
- Lesieur, LeSieur
Augustin (1709 - )Charlotte (1709 - )Jean-Baptiste (circa 1673 - )Marie (circa 1690 - 1764)Marie-Anne (1714 - 1770)Marie-Josèphe (1741 - 1805)Marie-Louise (1744 - )Pierre dit Duchesne (1705 - 1785)
- Lespérance
- Lessard
Anne-Dorothée (1666 - 1710)Augustin (1724 - )Bonaventure (1706 - 1708)Bonaventure (1722 - )Charles (1656 - )Dorothée (Soeur) (1677 - )Étienne (1623 - 1703)Étienne (1653 - )Étienne (1702 - 1703)Étienne (1744 - )Étienne (1777 - )Félcité (1713 - )François-Malo (1704 - )Ignace (1709 - )Jacques (circa 1593 - )Jacques (1677 - )Jean-Baptiste (1717 - )Joseph (1672 - 1763)Joseph (1700 - )Joseph (1729 - )Joséphe-Marie (1789 - 1834)Madeleine (1711 - )Marguerite (1664 - )Marie-Joséphe (1779 - )Marie-Josèphe (1715 - 1718)Marie-Josèphe (1727 - )Marie-Thérèse (1662 - )Marie-Thérèse-Victoire (1704 - 1778)Noël (1669 - 1743)Pierre (1658 - )Prisque (1720 - )Prisque (Lt.) (1674 - )Thérèse (1694 - 1749)
- Lessart
- Lestage
Pierre (circa 1715 - 1788)
- Lester
Margaret (1620 - 1664)
- Lesure
- Letard
- Letartre
- Letourneau
Angélique (1791 - )
- Leuchars
Orabella ( - before 1203)
- Levasseur
Marie-Scholastique (circa 1650 - 1818)Pierre-Philippe (circa 1712 - 1791)
- Leveque
Jacques (circa 1671 - )Marie-Barbe (1708 - 1729)Marie-Marguerite (1706 - )
- Levert
Claude (1532 - 1572)Marie (1571 - 1636)Marie (1590 - )
- LeVicaire
- Levrautl
- Levron
Madeleine (circa 1682 - before 1752)
- Lewis
Bathsheba (1667 - )Benjamin (1671 - )George (1655 - )Hannah (1648/49 - before 1718)Hannah (1662 - circa 1667)Jabez (1670 - )John (1676 - )Jonathan (1674 - )Mary (1657 - )Melatiah (1664 - )Nathan (1678 - )Sarah (1660 - )William ( - 1671)
- Ley
John George (1719 - 1775)Veronica Freany (1745 - 1830)
- Leyburn
- Légaré
Rosalie (1707 - )
- Légère
Adélaïde (1819 - circa 1847)
Agathe (1868 - )
Anne (circa 1732 - 1812)Anne (circa 1732 - 1812)Augustin (1873 - 1904)
Basile (after 1886 - )Caroline (circa 1835 - 1902)Célina (1831 - 1911)Charles (1831 - 1897)Charlotte (circa 1760 - 1857)Christine (circa 1836 - 1910)Claire (1781 - 1801)Claire (1810 - 1880)Clarisse (circa 1878 - 1898)Cryille (1776 - 1858)Dorothée (circa 1843 - 1884)Dosithée (circa 1836 - 1895)Ella (1899 - 1899)Élisabeth (1719 - )Élisabeth (circa 1773 - circa 1836)Élisabeth (1835 - )Fabien (circa 1801 - 1866)Félicité (circa 1787 - 1878)François (1714 - )François (circa 1765 - )Françoise (1703 - )Germain (circa 1805 - 1861)Guillaume (1870 - )Guillaume (1903 - 1979)Hyacinthe (1814 - 1814)infant boy (before 1703 - )Irenée (1880 - 1984)Isaïe (1848 - )Jacques (circa 1695 - before 1752)Jacques (circa 1730 - )Jacques dit La Rosette (circa 1663 - 1751)Jean (1709 - before 1762)Jean-Baptiste (1719 - )Jean-Baptiste (1812 - 1880)Jean-Baptiste (Captain) (circa 1761 - 1818)Jean-Louis (1825 - 1897)Joseph (circa 1722 - )Joseph (circa 1802 - 1882)Joseph (1808 - 1884)Joseph (1861 - 1912)Joseph-Césaire (1875 - 1978)Judith (1763 - 1813)Leon (1902 - 1902)Louis (1841 - 1914)Luc (1839 - 1914)Luce (1863 - 1880)Madeleine (circa 1819 - )Magdeleine (1711 - )Marcelline (1829 - 1829)Marcelline (1838 - )Marguerite (1717 - )Marguerite (1806 - 1880)Marie (between 1701 and 1703 - circa 1758)Marie (circa 1718 - )Marie (1772 - circa 1813)Marie (circa 1799 - )Marie (circa 1804 - 1808)Marie (1866 - 1930)Marie-Anne (circa 1697 - )Marie-Claire (1828 - 1860)Marie-Françoise dite La Rosette (1706 - before 1752)Marie-Madeleine (1764 - 1807)Marie Rose Bibianne (1900 - 2003)
Marthe (1818 - 1818)Michel (1839 - 1868)Obéline (1846 - 1847)Olive (1816 - circa 1846)Oliver (circa 1734 - 1818)
Oliver (1835 - 1885)Paul (circa 1728 - )Philomène (1871 - 1871)Phoebée (1843 - 1887)Pierre (1838 - 1905)Pierre-Ephrem (1811 - 1890)Pierre-Mark (1880 - 1979)Romain (1833 - 1908)Rose-Délima (1883 - 1902)Séraphie (circa 1799 - 1871)Sophie (1796 - 1872)Ste-Joséphine (Sister) RHSJ (1843 - 1887)Télesphore (circa 1801 - 1864)Theotiste (1833 - 1906)Théotiste (1831 - 1911)Thomas (1885 - 1985)Vénérande (1829 - 1896)Victoire (1840 - 1908)Victore (1778 - 1855) - Lépine
- Létoile
- Létourneau
Thérèse (1720 - )
- Léveillé
- Lhuillier
- Libbey
Anthony (circa 1649 - 1718)
- Liberge
- Lieuwes
- Limburg
Elisabeth (1670 - 1741)
- Lincoln
Isabella (1420 - )John (1690 - )Sarah (circa 1716 - 1813)
- Lindsay
Alan (circa 1058 - )Alianore (circa 1124 - )Catherine (1831 - 1901)David (circa 1203 - )David (circa 1235 - )
David Alexander (1754 - 1837)
David Alexander (1800 - 1884)David Blair (1854 - 1918)
Elizabeth (1777 - 1860)Ellen (1828 - )Emily (1778 - )Estavill Hesster (1825 - 1892)Flora Belle (1857 - 1946)
Frederick (1790 - 1857)Galfrid (circa 1090 - )George (1836 - )Hallie (circa 1861 - )Homer (1859 - )Jacob (1785 - )James (1778 - 1852)Jesse (1822 - )John (1831 - )Joseph (1801 - )M. J. (1865 - 1874)
Mary (1785 - 1842)Mary Catherine (1834 - 1928)Pricilla (1776 - 1858)Rachel (1833 - )Ralph (circa 1026 - )Robert Garber (1828 - 1895)
Thompson (1803 - )Ulysses Grant (1863 - 1949)
Walter (circa 1122 - )Walter (circa 1172 - )Walter (circa 1231 - )Walter E. (1856 - 1918)
Will (circa 1842 - )William (circa 1096 - )William (circa 1148 - )William (circa 1198 - )William (1815 - )William (1815 - )William F. (circa 1842 - ) - Lindsey
Jane (1684 - )
- Lines
- Linkletter
- Linotte
Marie (1626 - )Marie (1635 - )
- Lippenwell
Esther (1658 - 1740/41)
- Lisle
Alice (circa 1058 - )Humphrey (circa 1032 - )
- Lisoures
- Liszka
- Little
Eunice (circa 1717 - 1771)
- Littlefield
Edmund (1592 - )Francis (circa 1565 - )Francis (1619 - before 1712/13)Francis (Ensign) (1635/36 - )Mary ( - before 1723)Mary (circa 1790 - )Sarah (1649 - 1734/35)
- Littlejohn
Otis (1831 - 1918)
- Livermore
- Livernoche
Jean-Baptiste (1799 - 1825)
- Lizotte
Marie-Rosalie (1740 - 1821)
- Llwyd
- Lockwood
Daniel (1668 - 1712)Eliphalet (Deacon) (1675 - 1753)Ephraim (1673 - before 1694)
James (1683 - 1769)
John (1666 - 1687)Joseph (Deacon) (1680 - 1760)Sarah (1670 - 1765) - Loew
John Baptist (1820 - 1899)Susanna (1650 - 1720)
- Lohr
Imogene (1907 - 1989)
- Loignon
- Loiseau
Françoise (circa 1638 - 1728)
- Loisel
- Loiselle
Marie-Angélique (1696 - 1742)
- Loker
Elizabeth ( - 1691)Henry ( - 1688)Henry (1576 - 1631)John (1508 - 1552)Robert (1534 - 1592)
- Lombard
- Lomene
- Long
Betty Mae (1924 - 1979)
- Longchamp
Henry (circa 1210 - )Maud (circa 1245 - )
- Longespée
Ela ( - 1299)Eleanor ( - 1276)Ida (circa 1230 - between 1266 and 1270)Stephen (circa 1216 - 1260)William (Sir) (circa 1208 - 1249)
- Longford
Amphilbus ( - after 1454)
- Longpré
- Longtin
André (1689 - 1776)Antoine (1719 - 1750)Dominique-Jerome (1699 - 1703)François (1697 - 1767)François (1723 - 1777)François-Xavier (1702 - )Gabriel (1707 - 1764)Jeanne (1688 - 1688)Jerome (circa 1659 - )Jerome (1696 - )Joseph (1716 - 1785)Joseph (circa 1793 - 1817)Marie-Angélique (1710 - 1762)Marie-Anne (1714 - 1744)Marie-Catherine (1686 - 1763)Marie-Catherine (1721 - 1762)Marie-Louise (circa 1705 - 1773)Michel (1692 - 1774)Michel-Ignace (1750 - 1812)Pierre (1702 - 1702)Pierre-Jerome (1712 - 1730)René (1694 - )